Monday, January 28, 2013


Finally I've decided to use the program "jams" of my bread machine
On this occasion I used  oranges, but you can use any kind of fruit, and I cannot wait to experience so many new tastes. 
First, do I have to say: Make the jam with the bread machine is a disarming ease. I'm impressed. The only real job, if you work you can talk, is in the preparation of fruit choice, then you have to understand how much sugar to use ... 

Classic recipes for orange marmalade generally show this proportion:
700 g of sugar for 1 kg of oranges.
But the proportions may vary depending on your taste and the use you make of the marmalade. The sugar helps preserving the health of the fruit, but if we have no intention of ​​consuming the marmalade in a short time, then we can decrease the sugar amount. 
About sugar, I remember a middle age lady, the owner of a B&B, where I spent a couple of nights few years ago, which made me taste her homemade jelly, 100% sugar free.
It was a little sour, the jam not the lady, but lovely and delicate. Of course, when you prepare a jam so light, then you need to use it, if not immediately, within a week.  If we start considering the fact that making a pot of jam is not the business of century, we could begin to treat it as a normal thing, almost routine, like making bread, or whatever.

After this boring introduction (sorry for that), I will tell you briefly how I worked and I'll show you  few photos of my job. 

Ingredients for 350 g of marmalade
500 g of peeled oranges 
350 g of sugar 

Bread Machine 
Jars for vacuum 
Teflon or wooden spoon  
pot to boil the jars 
a sharp cutter

1 - I peeled the fruit to remove the peel even over the white part but do not be to precise. I'm a I used my hands because the peel came out so easily, I didn't need a knife. If oranges have had been organic, I would have used the skin, but it will be for another time. The jam is good the same, maybe less fragrant but also less bitter. 

2 - Once I've peeled the oranges, I proceeded to slice thin, using a ceramic cutter really good. Bought at Ikea for just few Euros, I think you can find it everywhere since the ceramic is becoming very used. 

3 - I added sugar to oranges, then I poured everything into the basket of bread machine that I had removed from the machine. It's better to remove it to avoid dropping parts of food or liquids, on the aluminum bottom of our mdp. 

4 - I entered the program number 9 of my Severin. duration: 1 hour and 20 minutes. in the manual of the machine, you can find the following message: "use a rubber spatula to remove residual sugar from the walls." I have not needed it, perhaps because the amount of my jam were very small. 

5 - At the end of the program I turned off and checked. The jam was unfortunately still too liquid. I had read on some forums that it is normal and you should repeat the cycle a second time, unless we need to fill cakes, in which case it's OK to obtain a more liquid marmalade.  

6 - I entered the program again but this time I manually stopped after less then an hour because the marmalade was already lucid and well-compact. You can check the consistence with a spoon, right to be sure.  

7 - I put the basket with marmalade inside the sink. I waited five minutes than, using a spoon, I filled the sterilized jar,  almost to the brim. For sterilization, see the instructions at the end of this article. 

8 - I put the cap tight and overturned the jars upside down to create a vacuum. Half an hour was enough.Verify any case, by pressing on the lid. If it makes no noise and does not move, you're done. The jam so well sealed can be stored in a cool, dry place. Once opened must be kept in the refrigerator.

Making jam always seemed to me a long thing to do, and also a bit boring, but now, I am delighted and want to make it soon again, and again, with all the fruits I like most. 
The Bread machine is a good ally, not only when you have no time to stand at the stove, but also when the the brain is set in "laziness."  

I am completely satisfied, almost excited, and now I sit down and taste the fruit of my very little work, spread over a slice of bread wheat. Bread and jam, either homemade with my good friend, my amazing super-helper bread machine ... What a story :)

Let the jars roofless, standing or on the side, in a large saucepan, along with their caps. Add cold tap water until the jars will be completely submerged. Bring to a boil and let simmer for fifteen minutes.Then turn off the heat and leave the jars in the water until they are warm. Drain and turn the jars them upside down on kitchen paper.  
I would recommend sterilizing the jars while you're doing your marmalade, so you will have the jar perfectly clean once the jam is ready.

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